
Together We Do Better

Together We Do Better equips CHAOS members with tools and knowledge to address harmful gambling impacts in their communities.

The Together We Do Better project aimed to collectively and individually equip members of the CHAOS Network with the tools and knowledge to consider how the proactive work they currently undertake could be altered or expanded to support ongoing localised solutions targeted at reducing the harmful impact of gambling. The project aimed to:

  • Use the existing network structure to place an expert project worker to resource member organisations and identify the information, knowledge and tools required to develop an understanding and confidence to actively consider new and existing opportunities with a “reduction of gambling harm” lens.
  • Learning resources developed for longevity and through close links with NHVic and other networks, made accessible and adaptable to other areas of Victoria, incorporating relevant outcomes identified through the evaluation framework.
  • Resourced CHAOS Member Houses to work with community and partners to identify groups at risk of gambling related harm and develop locally relevant strategies to reduce risk. Houses had access to a small amount of financial support to seed their idea/s, and were encouraged to work with existing partners such as community health centres, libraries, service clubs, welfare and material aid agencies, and other Houses to maximise outcomes.
  • Worked to resource members around the help services that exist for people experiencing problem gambling, their families and friends.

Key Project Results

  • Increased community awareness of the harm caused by problem gambling across the network.
  • Increased access to a range of social and recreational opportunities, including evening and weekend activities, as an alternative to gambling venues.
  • Key personnel in CHAOS member organisations
    • have increased knowledge and awareness of the impact of gambling related harm
    • have increased confidence in developing social and recreational opportunities that are an alternative to gambling
    • have increased confidence in supporting someone who may be experiencing harm from gambling
    • are aware of resources available through the VRGF
  • NHVic, other networks and houses outside of the CHAOS area have a greater understanding of the impact of gambling related harm.
  • Through the Gambling Harm conference presentation in 2018, some Gamblers Help Services identified they had not realised the potential benefit of working with their local Neighbourhood houses

Download the Together We Do Better Project report