CHAOS is a strong and connected network of community houses in Melbourne’s outer-east.

The CHAOS network of community houses

Welcome to CHAOS, the peak body supporting Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres in the Outer Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne. Our mission is to strengthen communities through linkages, resources, and advocacy. Through our projects, we provide enhanced opportunities for community members and showcase the positive impact of community houses. By facilitating collaboration among our members, we enhance the vital role that Neighbourhood Houses and Community Centres play in promoting health, wellbeing, and lifelong learning. Join our network of Neighbourhood Houses and Centres and together let’s create thriving and empowered communities.

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Our projects

Through our projects, CHAOS provides enhanced opportunities for community members and showcases the positive impact of community houses.


Living Our Best Life

Discover a world of connection and wellbeing with the transformative Living our Best Life project.

Linking Carers

The aim of this project was to support carers to explore their options for employment, training and volunteering.

Together We Do Better

Together We Do Better equips CHAOS members with tools and knowledge to address harmful gambling impacts in their communities.

Supporting Carers Locally

Victorian Government funded project boosts carer participation in CHAOS Houses, creating inclusive and supportive environments.

Resources for CHAOS members

We provide a wide range of resources and support to empower our Member Organisations to achieve their goals. From training courses and toolkits to networking events and advocacy campaigns, we strive to equip our members with the tools and knowledge they need to drive positive change in their communities. With our resources at their disposal, our members are better equipped than ever to promote health, wellbeing, and lifelong learning in their areas.